You bet they do. Eggs are mother nature’s incredible and edible source of Omega-3 fatty acids, providing on average, 180mg per serve (2 eggs).
Of this amount, 114mg is the long-chain type of omega-3 fatty acid – which represents between 71-127% of the desired intake for adults.
Yet before we go on to discuss the benefits of why you need Omega-3s, let’s ensure you’ve got the full rundown on just what they are.
Omega-3s are a group of essential fatty acids that play vital roles within your body, providing several key health benefits.
And as your body can’t produce Omega-3s on its own, it has to be absorbed through various diet sources.
There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids — ALA (short-chain), DHA and EPA (long-chains).
In addition to being essential for general health and wellbeing, meeting daily requirements for omega-3’s is one of the ways to help reduce the risk of a number of health conditions including:
Omega-3s are also important for:
We all know fish are amongst the highest in DHA Omega-3’s fatty acids. But what if you can’t eat seafood – or don’t like it? Hello eggs!
And yes, whilst eggs contain lower amounts of naturally occurring DHA, they are a simple and easily accessible Omega-3 boost.
Of course, if you’re concerned around your optimal Omega-3 intake, contact your doctor for information about how to best support your health and lifestyle needs.
We know eggs are a fantastic source of Omega-3s – but Omega-3 is also found naturally amongst various food groups, including:
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